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Things Im learning about being an independent Artist

The ups and down on being an independent recording artist.

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Its not always so easy when you are just starting out on your own. Once I got started on becoming a recording Artist I had to choose the path that I would take. the question us artist always ask ourselves, "Do I aim to be signed? Or do I venture out and be an independent artist? For me it was clear that I wanted to be an independent recording artist. I loved the freedom that came with it. What I didnt realize is that I have to be even more disciplined. I realized that only I hindered myself. It took me a while of just really pushing myself with a few bumps on the road. I have finally decided to go all in. I mean, I dont want to look back and wonder what more I could have done. I had to stop making excuses of why I didnt finish a project and to stop looking at what I CANT do.

I had to start looking at what I CAN do. Once I started looking at things differently and trusting God with the gift that He gave me everything just started to fall in place. I just want to encourage you to stop and think about what your are allowing to stop and hinder you from being the best that you can be. Are you constantly look at what you cant do? Are you afraid at what others may think of you? Do you think your time has past? STOP!! and change your thinking and mindset and know that you can accomplish your dreams. It all starts with that first step. It may not seem like much but it makes a huge difference.

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