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It's the beginning of a new decade!!! Can you believe it? Im super excited about this year. This is the the time of the year that we set new goals, a new vision, and dream big. However, things don't always go as planned. I thought that I was going to be a part of a huge show. Things were going so well. It looked like it was a yes. But then I was told a big fat NO! That really hurt. It took me and my team by surprise. I usually take things like this pretty hard but I knew that I have to push to keep going. I really took some time to pause and reflect and remember why I do what I do. I also remembered that there are so many other opportunities that are waiting for me. Sometimes things don't always go as planned, and that's ok. What matters most is what we do when things don't go as planned. Me, well I decided to not give up and to remember life is only 10%of what happens to you and 90% what you choose to do. My question for you is what choices are you making today?


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